
Monday Oct 23, 2023
20/30s | Joy and Mental Health
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Peter Attridge, a practicing marriage and family therapist north of Atlanta, gives a breakout talk on the important connection of joy and mental health, including how joy is more sustainable than happiness. Presented at the 20/30Somethings Annual Retreat, October 14, 2023.

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
20/30s | Relating to Parents as Adults
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
As we get older, our relationship with our parents naturally changes. While they are still our parents and always will be, there is a different dynamic than when we were younger. Fr Juan Pablo Durán LC explains both the scriptural basis for honoring your parents, even as you get older, and practical ways this can be done. Presented to the 20/30Somethings ministry at their Discipleship Night, September 12, 2023.

Sunday Aug 20, 2023
The God Who Is Love Presented by Sam Fraundorf 08/20/23
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Aug 20, 2023
A presentation for the Cathedral of Christ the King RCIA on the Trinity and Incarnation.

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
20/30s | Catholicism’s Jewish Roots
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
We know that Jesus was Jewish and our faith comes from Judaism, but our knowledge often ends there. Max Friedman, a member of our community and a convert from Judaism, discusses Judaism, the links between the Jewish and Catholic faiths, and, as a convert, the importance of RCIA! Presented to the 20/30Somethings at their Discipleship Night, August 8, 2023.

Friday Jul 14, 2023
20/30s | Navigating the Disconnect
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Many people have a desire or sense of Something, but find the scripture of the Church or any organized religion as repugnant or a major objection. Fr. Branson Hipp traces how we got to this point historically in the modern mentality and shows how we are called to live the Catholic faith with others when it is so foreign to their experience and doesn’t make sense. Presented to the 20/30Somethings ministry at their Discipleship Night, July 11, 2023.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
20/30s | The Song of Songs
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Pope Benedict XVI proposes that the Song of Songs—the scripture with strikingly romantic imagery between two lovers—is the “essence of Biblical faith” (Deus Caritas Est, 10). Joey Martineck, director of Respect Life Ministry for the Archdiocese of Atlanta and co-writer of GARDEN: The Musical, dives into St. Pope John Paul II’s theology of the body in which he wrote extensively of the Song of Songs, explaining why the book is a favorite of saints and mystics and how we can make sense of it. Presented to the 20/30Somethings Ministry at their Discipleship Night, June 13, 2023.

Tuesday May 30, 2023
20/30s | The Church on Trial
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
In Church history, two of the most well known events are the Inquisitions and the Crusades. Santi Duran discusses these and common misconceptions that have aroused from them over time, such as the use of torture. Presented to the 20/30Somethings Ministry at their Discipleship Night, April 11, 2023.

Wednesday May 17, 2023
20/30s | God’s Plan for Creating Family
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
A three-person panel helps us understand God’s plan for creating a family. They explain how we should view openness to life, NFP, and how contraceptives impact the female body. Panelists are Amanda Morley, BSN, RN, a cycle instructor for the Marquette Method NFP who works with Reproductive Health Medicine & Gynecology (RHM); Elizabeth Park, a PA at RHM; and Fr. Joe Wagner. Presented May 16, 2023, at 20/30Somethings Discipleship Night.

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
20/30s | Stations of the Cross Explained
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
A common Lenten practice is Stations of the Cross. While we know of them, we may not quite know their background. Jake Hegarty comes to discuss the history and purpose of the Stations as we continue our Lenten journey and prepare for Easter. Presented at the 20/30Somethings Discipleship Night, March 14, 2023.

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
20/30s | Healthy Dating and Relationships
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Dale Brewer, LAPC is a professional counselor from Holy Family Counseling. He discusses navigating relationships and learning to live in love, both as a single person and when in a relationship with someone. Presented to the 20/30Somethings Ministry at their Discipleship Night, February 21, 2023.